The Ultimate Vegan Shopping List on a Budget
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Veganism has often been associated with upper-middle-class pretentiousness. It is often confused with health trends or fads, like the organic and gluten-free movements, which often prey upon misinformed wealthy consumers. A common response to veganism is “but it’s so expensive!” Well, it doesn’t have to be. Read on to find out how to go vegan on a budget! Hit the Produce Section First When you go to your local grocery store, produce is usually the first section you come to. Here, look for onions and potatoes. These long-lasting root vegetables are used in all sorts of dishes – onions add flavor, and potatoes are a healthy source of carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes are a healthier option, but there’s nothing wrong...

Going Vegan For Beginners: 5 Things To Know
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Going vegan can be a difficult choice to make, even if you really want to help animals and the environment. We live in cultures that are generally meat and dairy-dependent, and in some areas it may feel impossible. For those beginner vegans who want to make the change, but don’t know what to expect – this is for you. Bombarded By Questions First, you will probably get a lot of questions, especially if you don’t live in a very vegan-friendly area. While vegetarianism and veganism are common in LA, Seattle, and New York, it can be a more unique lifestyle choice in the rural Midwest. Expect some of your friends and family to pepper you with “where do you get...