Is Pb2 Vegan? A Vegan Powdered Peanut Butter Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Is PB2 certified vegan? That's a great question, but first, what is it? If you have never heard of it, PB2 is simply powdered, dehydrated roasted peanuts with most of the oil removed. Though it may carry the disadvantage of not being a whole food, it has a very simple ingredients list that is completely free of chemicals and additives. PB2 has seen a lot of popularity recently among health and fitness circles. But, why would someone buy powdered, defatted peanuts when they could just buy regular peanut butter? PB2 carries a number of advantages over regular peanut butter if you have certain goals. Two tablespoons of this food have just 45 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 1 gram of sugar, plus 5...

Are Flour Tortillas Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Flour tortillas have many delicious variations and most traditional recipes have evolved over time to remove animal-based ingredients, however the question remains, are flour tortillas vegan? How do you know if certain flour tortillas conform to your vegan lifestyle? Let's take a look! Flour Tortilla Ingredients Flour Tortillas typically have very few ingredients which is appealing to those of us who live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Flour, baking soda, salt, oil, water and sometimes a pinch of sugar are the ingredients that it takes to make them. They are simple, clean and easy to pair with any style of cooking you enjoy. Even though Mexican style food seems to be a recurring theme with tortillas, if we think outside the...

Are Peppermints Vegan? A Vegan Peppermint Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Are Peppermints Vegan? Everyone has a sweet tooth, even those of us on a plant based diet. But even treats can be manufactured in ways that fall outside of vegan diets. This applies to even the most basic of goodies, such as candies. Some candies are manufactured with ingredients made from animal parts such as: carmine (red dye made from crushed insects) gelatin (cow and pig remains) confectioner’s glaze (made from insect excretions) Fortunately for vegans with a sweet tooth, there are many vegan friendly candy options out there. But homework does need to be done. Take peppermints as an example. It seems to be a fairly straightforward candy, but many well known brands contain products that vegans want to...

Are Jolly Ranchers Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Jolly Ranchers have been around since the 1950's, and are an extremely popular hard candy. However, anyone trying to follow a vegan diet should know whether Jolly Ranchers are compatible with a plant-based lifestyle. Are Jolly Ranchers Vegan? Jolly Ranchers vegan? Jolly Ranchers are often assumed to be a vegan treat. Some websites will claim that they are, in fact, vegan. But, upon further analysis, you will see that Jolly Ranchers are not technically safe for vegan diets. However, it really depends on how strict you are about it. Jolly Ranchers contain a couple of ingredients that can be derived from animals. One of these is lecithin, which can be derived from sunflower, corn, rice, and other plants. However, it...

Are Twizzlers Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Twizzlers are one of America's most popular licorice candy products. Licorice, so named for the root that gives the traditional black licorice its flavor, is commonly sold as black licorice or red licorice. Some might argue that Twizzlers bear little resemblance to actual licorice because it doesn't contain any licorice root or extract, though the non-licorice flavors may actually contribute to their popularity, especially with kids. Twizzlers come in a variety of flavors and shapes - Twists, Pull 'n' Peel, NIBS, Filled Twists, Bites in black, cherry, and even chocolate flavor. But are Twizzlers Vegan? Vegan foods are those that don't contain any animal products or byproducts. Candy, especially of the non-chocolate variety, may seem like an odd place for...

Are Reese's Pieces Vegan? A Plant Based Guide To Reeses
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Are Reese's Pieces Vegan? Reese's Pieces are a fairly popular candy, a spin-off of the classic Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. They're quite tasty, and their hard outer coating means they won't melt all over your hands like the Peanut Butter Cups can. However, those of us who care about animal welfare and ethicality in food production, and express this passion by following a vegan diet, must not give in to a tempting food just because it tastes good—we must always check if the food is truly vegan before eating. Are Reese's Pieces vegan? Absolutely not. This follows a common trend of candies and confections containing animal products you might not suspect, like we've seen with the ingredients in caramel candy....

Are Cheeze Its Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Have you ever wondered if any of the salty snacks in the grocery store could contain animal products? Aren't they mainly vegetables fried into crackers and chips, with lots of salt and grease? What about dairy products? What about Cheez-Its? Cheez-Its claim to be made of real cheese. Is this claim true or false? Are there any Cheez-It vegans? Does a Cheeze-It vegan mean someone who does eat Cheez-Its, or doesn't? Have you asked yourself before if there could be alternative vegan cheese cracker brands available? Are there such things as vegan Cheez-Its? What Ingredients to look out for for Vegans Peta's list. The big one is kind of obvious: The cheese. Cheese is a dairy product. Also: Milk Protein. ...

Are Life Saver Mints Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
The Life Saver mint, created in 1913, is the first flavor of Life Savers ever created. The vegan nature of Life Saver mints is an ongoing debate of “What comes from where?” As recently as late last year, vegan bloggers, and even PETA were still researching and debating the vegan nature of this popular candy by the Wrigley company. The question is raised upon learning that one ingredient in the basic recipe of the mint is sourced from animals. However, a synthetic version of the same ingredient can also be manufactured from non-animal sources. Still, Wrigley’s wasn't clear in their answer as to whether their pioneering product is vegan or not. Life Saver Mint Ingredients Sugar Corn syrup High fructose...

Are Donuts Vegan? A Vegan Donut Recipe Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Ah, the famous, round pastry that the world swoons over! They come jelly-filled, glazed, powdered, chocolate-covered, or pumped with Boston crème pie filling. Recalling its dense, moist texture already has you craving one. Hold on just a moment! Are donuts vegan? I bet you're thinking, “I sure hope so!” They look innocent enough, but how are they so fluffy yet dense? Let's take a look at a regular donut's ingredients. Common Donut Ingredients yeast water milk white sugar salt eggs shortening all-purpose flour vegetable oil (used for frying) butter powdered sugar vanilla extract Are Donuts Vegan? Unfortunately, most donuts that you may come in contact with are not vegan. Donuts are usually made with more than one dairy product. The...

Is Sherbet Vegan? A Vegan Sherbert Guide With Recipes
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
What Is Sherbet? Sherbert happens to be a very common misspelling of the frozen dessert sherbet. However, if you hear people pronouncing it, either way, they are all talking about the same delicious frozen dessert. However, there is also a bit of confusion when it comes to sherbets and sorbets. Sorbet is like Sherbet's vegan cousin. Unlike Sherbets, Sorbets do not contain any dairy products which makes it the perfect treat for those who happen to be lactose-intolerant. Click here to learn more about Sherbets. Common Sherbet/Sherbert Ingredients Ice cream Milk Sugar Egg whites Gelatin Sweetened fruit juice Some people might think that it is near impossible to create a tasty frozen dessert without the help of an ice cream...