Are Tortillas Vegan? Everything you Need to Know About Tortillas
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Most vegans and vegetarians ask the same questions when it comes to tortillas. Are tortillas vegan, are Chipotle tortillas vegan, are flour tortillas vegan and are mission tortillas vegan? I won't bury the lede. Generally, tortillas are vegan. However, prior to the 1990's wheat flour tortillas were sometimes not vegan because they contained lard as one of their ingredients. This is usually not the case today due to a rise in health concerns. However, many animal derived ingredients find their way into various processed foods today. You may still come across some wheat flour tortillas that contain lard but it is far less likely because the majority of tortilla companies now use vegetable oil. In addition to this, corn flour...

Are Jelly Bellys Vegan? A Gelatin Free Jelly Belly Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Jelly Belly jelly beans are a favorite springtime candy. But many chewy, gummy candies contain ingredients that aren't acceptable to people following a vegetarian or vegan diet. If you want to abide by a true eat plants, not friends lifestyle, it's important to stay informed about everything that you eat. So, it's time to answer the question: are Jelly Bellys vegan? So, Are Jelly Bellys Vegan? Jelly Bellys are coated with beeswax and shellac to give them their appealing shine. Beeswax is an animal product, and most vegans avoid it because they believe that collecting beeswax from hives is cruel. Shellac, on the other hand, is made from secreted beetle resin. When humans collect the resin, many female beetles die in...

Is Pb2 Vegan? A Vegan Powdered Peanut Butter Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Is PB2 certified vegan? That's a great question, but first, what is it? If you have never heard of it, PB2 is simply powdered, dehydrated roasted peanuts with most of the oil removed. Though it may carry the disadvantage of not being a whole food, it has a very simple ingredients list that is completely free of chemicals and additives. PB2 has seen a lot of popularity recently among health and fitness circles. But, why would someone buy powdered, defatted peanuts when they could just buy regular peanut butter? PB2 carries a number of advantages over regular peanut butter if you have certain goals. Two tablespoons of this food have just 45 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 1 gram of sugar, plus 5...

Is Soy Sauce Vegan? A Vegan Soy Sauce Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Stepping into the soy sauce debate stirs up a lot of questions. Is soy sauce vegan friendly? The answer is debatable but as with all the other foods it's best to err on the side of caution. The tricky thing with soy sauce is the fermenting process. There is some gray area between products used during the fermentation process in items such as beer or soy sauce and what appears on the ingredients label. However, there are some safe non-fermented options like Tamari gluten free soy sauce. Skipping the fermentation process means no possibly hidden animal products. This all purpose seasoning works as a great substitute for vegan soy sauce! Soy Sauce Ingredients Using Kikkoman soy sauce ingredients label as...

Is Cocoa Butter Vegan? A Dairy Free Cocoa Butter Guide
Posted by Lisa Hertz on
So you recently went vegan (awesome!), and now you have some questions like "Is cocoa butter vegan?" Well, here is the good news; cocoa butter is dairy-free & vegan! It is derived from the fatty portion of the cocoa bean that also happens to be a plant based source of fat. This fat is the reason why chocolate will melt in your mouth, since cocoa butter is usually one of the main ingredients. Are you proud of your cruelty free lifestyle? Check out our line of vegan shirts & socks - printed in the USA on free trade certified apparel! History Of Cocoa Butter The cocoa bean has its origin in South America’s rainforests. The Malayans used to consume chocolate as a drink by grinding...

Is A1 Vegan? A Cruelty-Free Steak Sauce Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Is A1 vegan? Technically yes, but the company has a history of animal abuse. Read on for more info, as well as a few vegan steak sauce brands & homemade vegan steak sauce recipe! Note: Want to support our site and spread a positive vegan message? Check out our vegan t shirt collection <3 Have you chosen to live a vegan lifestyle? You are not alone. According to recent statistics, there are at least 1.62 million of us in America. Like me, you decided that precious animal life does not have to be sacrificed for our needs or pleasure. Even simple things like condiments can have animal products hidden in the ingredient list. Do you like savory sauce with your...

Is Sriracha Vegan? A Spicy Vegan Sriracha Recipe Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Is sriracha vegan? The short answer is yes. Sriracha does not contain any animal ingredients which makes it suitable for vegan consumption. Read on to learn how to make your own sriracha, as well as a few delicious vegan sriracha recipes. Note: If you want to support our site and help spread compassion please check out our vegan clothing shop <3 Dairy-free condiments are healthy and delicious alternatives to add flavor to any type of diet. Sriracha sauce is one of the most widely-available, inexpensive, and delicious vegan choices to infuse spice and flavor to soups, plant-based snacks, noodles, and even breakfast items. This is because sriracha sauce reunites an amalgam of bold and intense flavors: the sweetness of sugar,...

Are Flour Tortillas Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Flour tortillas have many delicious variations and most traditional recipes have evolved over time to remove animal-based ingredients, however the question remains, are flour tortillas vegan? How do you know if certain flour tortillas conform to your vegan lifestyle? Let's take a look! Flour Tortilla Ingredients Flour Tortillas typically have very few ingredients which is appealing to those of us who live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Flour, baking soda, salt, oil, water and sometimes a pinch of sugar are the ingredients that it takes to make them. They are simple, clean and easy to pair with any style of cooking you enjoy. Even though Mexican style food seems to be a recurring theme with tortillas, if we think outside the...

Is Lactic Acid Vegan?
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
As a vegan, you're probably in the habit of reading ingredient lists carefully. Most of the time, it's pretty easy to tell whether a food contains any animal products or not, but some ingredients can seem a bit more ambiguous. Lactic acid is one of those ingredients that can cause confusion. Is lactic acid vegan, or not? The term "lactic acid" itself is the root of the confusion here. The prefix "lac" means milk, and this leads many people to believe that lactic acid is derived from milk. However, this is a misconception. Lactic acid is typically derived from vegetable sources, so if your favorite foods contain this ingredient, don't panic - they're most likely vegan. Keep reading to learn...

Are Peppermints Vegan? A Vegan Peppermint Guide
Posted by Aaron Seminoff on
Are Peppermints Vegan? Everyone has a sweet tooth, even those of us on a plant based diet. But even treats can be manufactured in ways that fall outside of vegan diets. This applies to even the most basic of goodies, such as candies. Some candies are manufactured with ingredients made from animal parts such as: carmine (red dye made from crushed insects) gelatin (cow and pig remains) confectioner’s glaze (made from insect excretions) Fortunately for vegans with a sweet tooth, there are many vegan friendly candy options out there. But homework does need to be done. Take peppermints as an example. It seems to be a fairly straightforward candy, but many well known brands contain products that vegans want to...